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20th January

17th February

25th March

28th April

19th May

16th June

 21st July

18th August

22nd September

20th October

24th November

15th December 

Venue:  Haywards Heath Town Hall, Boltro Road, RH16 1BA

Everyone is welcome to attend

Haywards Heath In Bloom brings together gardeners, community organisations, businesses and schools to celebrate the richness and diversity of growing things. We aim to stimulate social interactions, make new friends, learn new horticultural hobbies and have a local say on how your community develops and grows by fostering a great sense of community pride.


Heath Town Council is delighted to announce that Haywards Heath has won GOLD in Haywards the Large Town category of Britain in Bloom 2024!  This follows on from the town’s success winning Large Town of the Year and 3 Golds in the South and South East In Bloom competition this year.

In addition to winning Gold for Large Town in its first entry to Britain in Bloom, Councillor Sandy Ellis, Chair of the Haywards Heath In Bloom Committee, was presented with a Community Champion award for her hard work promoting In Bloom, greening, and wildlife in the town.

Britain in Bloom Certificate
Britain in Bloom Award


A committee of volunteers working with Haywards Heath Town Council and reaching out to the wider community. Current members are Councillor Sandy Ellis (Chair), Brenda Gulliver, Sylvia Harris, Michael Figg, Alan Colgate, Andy Stempt, Murray Crump and Andrew Lawes. We are always looking for new members to add new skills and interests. Please call in to the Town Hall or email us.


Enter our Best Kept competition. Every  year we inspect and judge on individual front gardens, community gardens, businesses with attractive displays and allotments. Entry forms are available from the Town Hall and from some of the businesses in the town displaying the HHIB sticker and poster. Alternatively, please click here for an online entry form. We welcome self-nominations or you can tell us about a neighbouring display that you think we should see. But hurry because the closing date for entries this year is 1st July!


Join us on Litter Picks around the town to help keep our town clean and beautiful, our parks green, nature reserves and woodlands litter free for the local wildlife and for all to enjoy. We also enable local community groups to do their own litter-picking.

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