Find out more about the Haywards Heath Town Mayor here.

The Town Mayor is elected by the Town Councillors annually and holds office from the Full Council meeting held in early May until the following year. The Town Mayor has the responsibility to promote and uphold the character of Haywards Heath and encourage public involvement in the Council's activities as well as the duties of presiding over meetings of Full Council and of representing the town at Civic and ceremonial functions. The Mayor also has the opportunity to raise funds during the Year of Office for his/her named charity.
The Haywards Heath Town Mayor for the Municipal Year 2024/25 is Cllr Stephanie Inglesfield, alongside her deputy, Cllr Duncan Pascoe.
"I love Haywards Heath where I have been living for over 10 years. I have four sons and one grandson, which makes for lively family get-togethers. I am a life coach and a French tutor and I love nothing more than spending time in Victoria Park with a good book to relax.
This is my second term of office as a Councillor for Haywards Heath Town Council and I am excited and honoured to be Town Mayor for Haywards Heath. I very much look forward to serving my community and working together with them for the benefit of our town and to the interesting role of representing Haywards Heath as Mayor.
Stephanie has chosen Alzheimer's Society to support during her second term of office:
“I am so happy that The Alzheimer’s Society is the Mayor’s charity of the year. The charity does so much locally for people with Alzheimer and their families.
"We are all affected one way or another by dementia, and the moral support and practical help that the Alzheimer society provides locally is invaluable. I cannot wait to work with them to raise funds and awareness and of course for all of us to have fun while doing it.”

Lindy Stannard, Regional Fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society said: “We are so grateful to Her Worshipful, the Mayor, Stephanie Inglesfield, for choosing to support Alzheimer’s Society during her second year as Mayor of Haywards Heath.
One in three people today will develop dementia in their lifetime and there are currently 900,000 people living with dementia in the UK. A timely and accurate diagnosis is crucial to access treatment and support that can help people manage dementia symptoms and avoid ending up in crisis.
If you or your loved one are worried about experiencing dementia symptoms, you should visit your GP. They will try to asses what’s likely to be causing the problem.
The Mayor of Haywards Heath holds a small number of events, which are to raise funds for the Mayor's charities. We publish details of any forthcoming events on this page.
Mayor's Quiz Night for the Alzheimer's Society
The Mayor is looking for sponsors for a second Charity Quiz Night. Packages available at £500 each. If you can help or to find out more email town.clerk@haywardsheath.gov.uk.

The Town Mayor likes to support as many of the local community organisations as possible. If you would like the Mayor to attend or open or appear at your event, for example a summer fete, AGM, concert or play, or to open a new building or business, please get in touch.