Find out more about the winter management in Haywards Heath here.

In the event of snowfall Mid Sussex District Council will act as the local information point and help residents by giving them information or directing them to the relevant authority who can help. West Sussex County Council will hold information on closed / open roads, trains and hopefully bus service updates.
PLEASE bear in mind that during adverse weather conditions the Town Council can experience extremely high demand for its limited resources – residents are therefore asked to be patient and help themselves as much as possible. Anyone can clear snow and ice from the pavement outside their home or public spaces to prevent slips and falls. Follow the snow code to clear snow and ice safely.
The measures taken by the Town Council (as follows) are intended to complement road gritting and salting carried out by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and the Emergency Planning Advice for such events produced by Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC). It is not the intention of the Town Council to replace the efforts made by our principal authorities but to complement their activities to provide the best response possible for the residents of the Town.
West Sussex County Council has the primary responsibility for gritting / salting the roads. In support of this, Haywards Heath Town Council will be receiving a small supply of salt and will help to manage the impact of severe weather in our town where possible.
The Town Council’s Grounds Maintenance team (5 individuals) will, in the first instance, salt stocks and vehicle access permitting, focus on key areas at the discretion of the Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk.
The County Council has committed to fill all salt bins in the town once only in Winter.
Salt stocks & vehicle access permitting the Town Council will deploy its Groundstaff to assist in replenishing empty salt bins. Again, salt stocks & vehicle access permitting, the Town Council will also try to deliver ‘hippo bags’ of salt where requests are made. Requests for assistance will need to be made to the Town Hall, where the Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk will deploy resources at their discretion.